EDC Activities for teachers :Positioning and protection of language center in human brain


The theme of the Educational Development Centre (EDC) for the 2023/2024 Academic Year “Internationalization and Teaching Quality Improvement”

EDC will collaborate with different departments of the university, the President’s Office, University Library, Information Technology Development Office, the Research and Technology Administration Office, our senior faculty members and Teaching Excellence Award Winners to organize a series of targeted sessions/ talks/ conferences/ forums/ workshops /etc. for our teachers (especially for new teachers) and PhD students. 

The latest EDC session welcomes all MUST teachers to attend:

Title:Positioning and protection of language center in human brain

Date:8th April, 2024 (Monday)


Location: N218

Language: Chinese


Prof. Li-Hai Tan is currently a cognitive neuroscience professor at Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Institute for CNS Regeneration, Jinan University.  He is the Director of Shenzhen Institute of Neuroscience in Shenzhen. Prof. Tan obtained Bachelor degree from Shandong Normal University (1984), Master degree from Beijing Normal University (1988) and PhD from University of Hong Kong (1995). He was a postdoctoral fellow of University of Pittsburgh, a full professor on the tenure term at University of Hong Kong, the founder and director of State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences in University of Hong Kong (2005-2014), a research fellow of NIH, and an adjunct associate professor of Georgetown University Medical School. He joined Jinan University and started to establish the language neuroscience team in 2020. His group mainly focuses on language and the brain, using neuroimaging (e.g., fMRI and qMRI) and genetic techniques to investigate neuroanatomical and neurogenetic mechanisms underlying language processing and language disorders. Dr. Tan has published more than 100 SCI research articles, including those carried by Nature (1 article), Science Advances (1 article) and PNAS (10 articles) as a lead or corresponding author. He as chief scientist or PI has received a number of grants including one ‘973’ program grant, one Guangdong Key Research and Development grant, and one Guangdong Innovation Team grant. He also serve as China’s national distinguished scientist/expert and member of  National Panel in China’s Brain Initiative.

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Any enquiries, please email Gin [email protected] or CoCo [email protected].